Thursday, April 6, 2023

SSLC English Exam 2023- Useful videos for revision

 These videos are exclusively created by English Nectar for revision purpose. All the best..

Paper Presentation Model

1. All Govt and PTA-Q1 to Q14 One Marks - Revision

2. PTA Synonyms

3. PTA Antonyms

4. Phrasal verbs list

5. Active Voice and Passive Voice Text book answers

6.Direct Indirect All Questions

7. Simple compound Complex

8. Figures of Speech list

9. Rearranging the words

10. Picture Comprehension

11. Notice Writing

12. Report Writing

13. E-Mail Writing

1 comment:

  1. Understanding english can be challenging due to its complex grammar rules, vast vocabulary, and nuances in usage. A good English tuition can provide personalized guidance, tailored explanations, and targeted practice to address individual learning gaps. Through interactive sessions and constructive feedback, students can improve comprehension, grammar skills, and language proficiency. Additionally, tutors can offer strategies for effective reading, writing, and critical analysis, fostering confidence and facilitating better academic performance in English.
